It's that time of the year again

Throughout the year we carry out maintenance and some capital works.

This is the time of year when we carry out all those annual jobs that are necessary to keep the hall and grounds in tip top condition.

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The Coronation bench has been rubbed down and treated to two coats of Danish Oil.

It will receive it's third and final coat in the next few days.

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The rainbow bench is cleaned.

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All of the hedges have been cut.

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A bright, brand new union flag flying proudly in front of the hall

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The notice board is resplendent after being sanded and treated to multiple coats of Danish Oil.


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The grass in the community orchard has been cut.  The daffodils will make an appearance next spring, followed by tulips.

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Our little arboretum has had it's annual cut.  In there we have Rowan, Willow, Walnut and evergreen oak.

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Finally the post box has been treated to an autumn themed topper. Not too sure about the puffin!

Everything here was achieved by a small band of dedicated volunteers who give up their time, not only as autumn approaches but throughout the year, to ensure that the hall and surroundings are maintained in excellent condition for the benefit of the community.

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