20th. February 2021


The daffodils planted last year are now apearing in the community orchard.  They seem to have survived the cold weather and now we're looking forward to seeing a multitude of yellow and white blooms.  They will be followed by the tulips that were planted at the same time.

23rd. October 2020

DSC00671.JPG  DSC00672.JPG

DSC00673.JPG  Seven pupils from Ringshall Primary School, with assistance from staff and other helpers, planted daffodil and tulip bulbs in the orchard today.

We're looking forward to a colourful spring.


22nd. October 2020.

DSC00669.JPG  The orchard is looking good.  All of the trees survived the hot, dry summer thanks to regular watering by a few dedicated helpers.

The grass is freshly mown ready for the planting of spring bulbs.


February 2020

17clipart_135.jpg  Well..........the tree planting didn't go quite as planned today.

The trees were collected by a carrier from the supplier on 12th. February and should have been delivered yesterday.  They didn't turn up so the suppliers were contacted and assured us that they would be delivered today.  When the carriers were contacted they confirmed that they had collected the trees but had lost them.  They have no record of the trees on their system, they don't know where they are and it will take them a few days to locate them.

In these days of bar codes, tracking numbers and sophisticated technology it's baffling that trees can disappear completely during the relatively short journey from Fakenham to Ringshall. 


February 2020.

tree.jpgWith the aid of a grant and assistance from our local councillor we will be planting a small community orchard on part of the village hall playing field.

The trees are ordered and we shall be planting them on 14th. February.  Feel free to come along and help.

All of the trees will be eating, as opposed to cooking, varieties of fruit.  Once they start bearing fruit, in a few years time,  anyone is welcome to pick a few.

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