Ringshall Village Hall was officially opened in October 1994 and has been operating successfully for twenty five of the last twenty six years. We wish we could say that "we never closed" however March 2020 brought an end to our unbroken run.
Regrettably Covid 19 forced the closure of the hall in March and we are left with little option but to remain closed for the remainder of 2020.
Although the hall is closed the management committee have been using the opportunity to implement a number of projects and to make plans for further works to be carried out.
We have installed a new high definition CCTV system.
We've raised funds, purchased and installed a new combination goal and netball hoop on the playing field.
The entire exterior of the hall has been given a fresh coat of paint.
A survey of the hall roof has been carried out and quotations obtained for refurbishment. An application for funding will be made in the near future.
Most recently we have assisted seven local primary school children to plant spring bulbs in the community orchard.
Another noticeable effect of the pandemic is the use of the bottle banks located in the car park. These used to be emptied two or three times a year but in the first few months of the lockdown they were being filled to overflowing within one month of being emptied.
The Salvation Army Saints football team continue to use our field as their home ground on Saturdays and we have been joined by Stowmarket United who play in the Sunday League.
At the moment the hall is mothballed and will need a good deep clean before it is reopened. We will also need to follow guidance and put in place various measures to ensure the safety of users.